Although Thanksgiving day has already made its visit this year, it is crucial that we do not pack our thankfulness away with our fall decorations. For it is only through thankfulness that we find true joy and it would be a shame to only experience that joy in our Novembers. No, I want that joy day in and day out. And it's right there for all of us to grasp no matter our circumstance. I'm tired of missing the forest for the trees. Aren't you? So will you join me in focusing on the blessings right in front of you instead of what is on your Christmas wish list?
Here are just a few of my blessings:
1) a little red-head named Elijah who loves mommy, pacies, sweet peas and yogurt
2) my Josiah Bug who loves cheese, counting, singing his ABCs and playing outside
3) my husband who loves me unconditionally and works hard for our family, our church and for God
4) my dad-our big teddy bear who loves our boys dearly
5)my mom-the best Gammy in the world to our boys and also a great listener to her daughter in need
6) Paula- the Lord sent Paula to me as a friend when I didn't even realize how much I needed one! My boys have also fallen in love with her and her husband Rob.
7) The gift of family...what a blessing! I love my family so much and I think I would miss them even if I had never met them!
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God."
Colossians 3:16