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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Josiah Neal {39 Weeks and 3 Days}

Well, only four more days until Josiah's due date gets here.  We have made a little progress.  As of today, I am 25% effaced and at at -3 dilation yet.  Josiah has definitely dropped some but he's still not engaged yet.  This was very surprising to me with as bad as the pressure has gotten.

My doctor also discussed inducing today.  He said that if I wanted, we could do ahead and schedule and induction for next week but he really feels like Josiah will be here before then.  As tempting as it was to go ahead and schedule it, we decided to just wait it out.  If I haven't made anymore progress by my next appointment on the 19th, we will schedule an induction for the 26th.  By that point I will be a week and a half past my due date.  I definitely have mixed feelings about all of this.  On one hand, if I wait until the 26th, Josiah will probably be close to 10 pounds which puts me at great risk for a c-section with this being my first pregnancy.  But if I go ahead and get induced, that also puts me at risk for a c-section because my body and Josiah would be thrown into labor unnaturally when it's not ready. 

I think that I would be upset if I had to have a c-section.  Jordan and I are both just praying that Josiah will coom soon and on his own timing instead of by induction or a c-section. 

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