The end of this pregnancy has been so different from my two previous pregnancies. I was completely miserable at this point with our boys...horrible swelling, no energy, moody, blah, blah, blah. Not so this time around! I feel pretty awesome. Don't get me wrong...I am very anxious to get our baby girl here safe and sound. And I have no desire to be pregnant longer than necessary! I just haven't gotten to that point where I feel like I'm going to go absolutely nuts if I don't deliver soon. I owe it in large to Trim Healthy Mamas. If we are friends on facebook, then I'm sure you have heard me talking about this diet/lifestyle. No, I am not getting paid to promote their book in any way. I'm just loving the results that I am seeing in my own life from it and I want other people to experience these changes as well! I was very honored last week when I got a message from one of the authors of the book saying that they wanted to feature my testimony on their facebook fan page. So in case you missed it and you're interested, here it is:
“In case you are needing that extra push to get started, take a look at how THM has helped me. In the first pic, I was 38 weeks pregnant with my second child and had gained about 45 lbs. Don't let the smile fool you.. I was BEYOND miserable! My legs and feet were so swollen and I had zero energy to keep up with my 18 month old.
The second picture is current. I am 38 weeks pregnant with our third child and have only gained 22 lbs. Not only that, since starting THM, I've had very little swelling and my energy levels have been incredible compared to my previous pregnancies.
It has been amazing! I never feel deprived or starved! And my doctor and dietitian have been amazed at how well I have controlled my sugar levels without insulin. Of course, I gave THM all the credit! If I can do this while pregnant with gestational diabetes, anyone can! Best wishes!”
I hope you found that encouraging! I would suggest this diet for anyone whether you need to lose weight, maintain weight, have diabetes, PCOS, thyroid problems, hormonal issues, pregnant or not, nursing, male or female, etc. etc. I could spend a long time explaining this way of life to you but it would be much easier if you just bought the book. It's expensive at $30 but it is worth WAY more than that! So go check it out. And there are no supplements, vitamins, etc that you have to purchase in order to do this. It's just learning to eat from all the food groups that God created in such a way that promotes weight loss and overall good health. Did I mention that I never feel deprived or starved? And that you get to eat chocolate and other yummy desserts? Bonus!!! And that's all I'm gonna say about that. : )
Okay, back to Addy Jo. I cannot wait to meet this little girl! I am so excited about adding a daughter to our family and getting to do all those girly things that I did and still do with my own mama. It's hard to wrap my mind around the fact that at this time next week, she will finally be here! Lord willing!
38.5 weeks! |
Your pictures are so inspirational! You look amazing and the glow is for real <3 Thank You for posting them. I hope your babies are doing great. I am 8 weeks and looking up images of healthy pregnancies and yours just so happened to catch my eye. Just Beautiful!