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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Josiah Neal Rogers {7 years old}

Dear Josiah,

As I write this, it is 7:45 pm on August 25, 2016.  In roughly 5 hours, you will be 7 years old!!!  How did seven years fly by so fast yet at the same time, feel so very long ago? Long in the sense that I have forgotten how life was without you...short in the sense that I can remember everything about holding your tiny body in my arms for the first and how amazing the realization was that you had made me a mommy.  That is something that I will never forget.

Josiah, you look just like your daddy but I think you have inherited a lot of my personality traits.  Especially the way you love people and love being around them, but when you are done, you are done! So like me!  As much as you enjoy spending time with friends and family, you also equally enjoy your alone time.  Again, so like me!

You also have the sweetest little heart.  You adore babies.  Like have to kiss them when you see them kind of adore!  You also love animals.  You tell your daddy and me quite frequently that you are going to be a zookeeper AND and police officer.  To which your daddy always replies, "Josiah, that is called a game warden." : )  Your bed is full of stuffed animals that you have to sleep with.  Your two favorites are Aiden the Penguin and Percy the Penguin.  Your favorite book is still Baby Bear Baby Bear, What do you see? You also love star wars, minions, and dinosaurs.  Your favorite song is a worship song:  "Break Every Chain".   Your favorite pajamas are Thanksgiving ones that are orange and say "gobble gobble" on them.  You request them every night so I have to wash them almost every day.

I would say that your favorite foods are hamburgers, cheetos and watermelon.  The only thing you will drink is water.  You turn down everything else except for the occasional apple juice.  I have to say that I am very impressed with how far you have come in the food department.  When you were first diagnosed with SPD, it was nearly impossible to get you to eat anything but a few select choices of food.  And trying to get you to try new things was traumatic.  For me and for you!  I feel like we have finally made a breakthrough as you have been trying lots of new things and even liking some of them like shrimp, tilapia, and blueberries.

I could really go on and on and on because mommies like to talk about their babies.  But I will end by saying that I love you more than you will ever know and that God loves you even more than that!  I am so thankful for the blessing of being your mommy these past 7 years! I hope we have many many more together!  I love you Josiah Neal!



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