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Monday, July 2, 2012

the last few weeks in a nut shell...

The last few weeks have flown by! We have been so busy that I haven't even had a chance to think about let me play catch-up....

Right now we are in the middle of a big project! In the four months that we have lived in the parsonage, we haven't been able to take long showers in our master bathroom because if the water ran for a long period of time, it would start leaking into our closet. After having it looked at/worked on several times, we finally came to the conclusion that it was going to have to be completely ripped out.  During the demolishing stage, Jordan and Rich found this:

Yep, that's black mold behind what used to be the back wall of our closet.  So not only are we getting a new bathroom, we are also getting a new closet...Jordan and Rich also knocked out the hall closet that was directly behind this closet so that our new closet is going to be nice and big.  Since we are doing all this remodeling, Jordan and I decided that our anniversary present to each other this year would be to update our bedroom.  It's going to look great!...more pics to come when it is finished!

What else? Our church also had it's first "Proclaim Service" on June 22nd.  This was a Friday night of pure worship that was led by Jordan and our worship pastor Jason.  It was amazing! If you are in the area, try to make it to our next one on July 27th...

And last week was VBS.  The theme this year was Amazing Wonders and I got the opportunity to teach missions.  I had a blast doing it!...up until Wednesday that is!  I woke up Wednesday morning with my back hurting but went about my routine as usual and taught my class.  But later that day, as I was putting Eli to sleep, I bent over his crib and this horrible sharp pain shot up my back.  After that I couldn't straighten it.  I was literally walking like the hunchback of Notre Dame...needless to say, Jordan had to teach my class for me on Thursday and Friday and I missed our VBS family fun night...I was pretty bummed about having to miss that.  The boys had fun though!

Oh, and as for my back, it's been nearly a week, and I am still in recovery.  I cannot even begin to explain how frustrating this has been.  If you know me then you know that I am not one to sit still.  I like to be doing something all the time.  But the hardest part has been not being able to pick up on the boys. Fortunately, every day it feels a little bit better...I definitely feel the prayers!

At the homefront, look who learned how to climb up our dining room shares onto our dinner table....

Josiah being up there was no surprise.  It has become his favorite place to sit.  But when I found Eli up there, my mouth hit the floor.  He's only 15 months old and he's already learned to climb up our (taller than average) dinner table...Lord help me!

Okay, so this is random, but look what I found in our hanging basket on the front porch...

cute, huh? I checked on them today and they were gone...but I guess that is a good thing!

Speaking of cute....

This pic may be blurry, but it still brings out their cuteness!

After being confined to the couch for nearly a week because of my back, we were so ready to get outside! The boys have been playing in our fenced-in backyard this week, but it's just not the same as getting to run all over the church grounds and getting to play in the fort.  So we were extra thankful for the "cooler" weather this evening.  And by cooler, I mean it wasn't 108 degrees like it has been!

"Magic Eli" haha just kidding....Yes, I am referring to "Magic Mike"...No, I did not go see it...Nor will I ever go see it! (that's a blog for another time)

I can't believe how tall my Josiah is getting! It's crazy!

I am so blessed to be celebrating four years of marriage to this man come Thursday!

I'll end with this picture...I think it sums us up pretty well...

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to see your little ones on the table. Makes me feel normal. Our little red head Elijah is such a little daredevil. I will be praying for your back. I know it's so hard to be out of commission as a mama.
