"The gospel is not just something to talk about Sunday morning while you are in clean clothes and the kids are looking orderly. It is not limited to quiet times and reflective moods. It is something to apply while you are in a difficult position in the back of the car trying to buckle a child up who is playing the kazoo and needs their nose wiped.
God is not above these moments. He is teaching us, and leading us, and refining us, in them. He wants to see our faith in action. He wants to see us feeding our children with the grace that he has given to us."
I pray that we all realize the importance of the calling of being a mother. May we not take it lightly. Instead, let us be intentional in raising up Kingdom Advancers. Let us not just talk about the gospel but let us live it out. Right. In. Front. Of. Them. Show them the gospel by showing them grace. Motherhood IS application!
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