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Friday, April 20, 2012

Go and Do and Explore...rinse, repeat!

Well, there's one thing that I know for sure and that is that my boys like to go and do and explore and then go and do and explore some more.  They keep us on our toes for sure. But I love this about them....this curiousity...this need to learn and explore.  I pray that this personality trait sticks with them...that it would follow them into adulthood.  And most of all that their love for the Lord would be the driving factor to seek to learn all that they can about Him.  I pray that Jordan and I will continue to be parents who help to feed this hunger within them.

Here's what they have been up to the past couple of weeks:

Bob the Stroller has been getting ALOT of action the past few weeks as we have been exploring the country around our new home. 

We stroll through Letitia Cemetery almost everyday.  These lizards (Mountain Boomers) are everywhere out there. We like to make a habit of counting how many lizards we see on each walk.  So far our record is 13...

Here's a little more of what we have seen on our walks:

Josiah was crazy about these guys!...and the llama...

I absolutely love the view out here:

...but I love this view even more:

We also went into town and visited Elmer Thomas Park and Museum:

These little guys were everywhere....

In other news, do you remember Josiah's love for penguins? Well, he has passed that love on to Elijah.  So without further adieu, let me introduce Pepper:

So this is a random picture but this is a random blog post altogether so it works...Can you tell that this boy likes cake???

And last but not least, the weather has been beautiful this past week so we finally got to pull out one of Eli's birthday presents and put it to good use:

I'll end with this next one because the red hair is sure to make you smile:

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