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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Allow me to catch up...

Can I just say how glad I am that the major summer events for our youth group are now over.  I love our youth group but boy was I ready to have my husband back! Any woman with small children knows how hard it is to give up their husband for two weeks, especially during the summer months when it is too hot to let the munchkins play outside and get some wiggles out.  It's a hard task trying to entertain these two all by myself for that long! I'm thanking God for my wonderful parents who let me come stay with them during both camp sessions.  They are so good with our boys and such a huge help.  They even let Josiah sleep in their bed eventhough he likes to lay horizontally with his head in Bobpa's ribs and his feet in Gammy's ribs! ....but I'm getting ahead of myself...that's the problem with not blogging for awhile...information overload! So let's start from the beginning...

It's about a 7 hour drive to my parent's house in Mount Enterprise, which is an extremely hard trip to make with an almost-two-year-old and a 4 1/2 month old.  So we decided to break the trip up, stopping along the way to visit family. Our first stop was Jordan's parent's house in Bowie where we stayed two nights.  Josiah thoroughly enjoyed playing with his cousins:

Sweet Miss McKinnley and Miss Skeeter

Miss Bailey...doesn't she have the cutest hair cut? Makes me wanna chop mine off, but it wouldn't be near as cute on me as it is on this sweet face!

Miss Emmerson...or Emmie as we call her...such a personality, let me tell ya! love her!

Miss Paisley- love this toothless little grin!

Josiah enjoying Grandmommy and Papa's swing!

Eli enjoyed the extra attention as well:

Our second stop was in Kemp where Jordan's brother, Jeremy and his family live.  Unfortunately, I was too busy catching up with my sister-in-law, LouAnn, that I forgot to take any pictures.  Oh the shame! I must get some pictures of my other four beautiful nieces and nephews soon!

The next day my parents met us in Terrell to pick me and the boys up and Jordan drove back to Vernon.  After camp, Jordan took a week of vacation and drove to Mount Enterprise. Here are some pics from the two weeks that we were in Mount:

bright eyed little dear!

his smile makes me smile!

Eli and Uncle Steven

Eli and Aunt Ashley

Gammy sharing her birthday cake with Bug Bug

this isn't the facial expression that most kids make when given icing...cracks me up!

sweet boys relaxing in Gammy and Bobpa's bed

they both have a thing with ears when they get sleepy!

Josiah trying on Uncle Trevor's boots...they fit right?

Eli having some avocado for the first time!

this is what it's all about: 4-wheeler rides with Bobpa!

Eli is proud of himself for learning how to roll all the way over while at Gammy and Bobpa's!

melts my heart!
Now, I regret to inform everyone that I broke my camera when we were packing up to leave my!  : (((( With just one slip of the hand it fell from the dining room table onto the kitchen floor.  I was planning on upgrading anyway, but not for a couple months at least.  Now I don't have a camera to take a picture of our new car!

Well, it's new to us anyway! While packing the car for our trip we came to the conclusion that we could no longer avoid the fact that we had grown out of our Hyundai Tucson. So we traded it in for a used but lovely 2004 Black Ford Expedition.  I love it! It has so much room that I could fit six babies plus luggage in there! That is definitely not my plan but I'm just sayin' is all...And the best part of it all is that we still owed 2 k on the "blue bomb" but after the trade in and all, we no longer have a car note! God really answered our prayers on this one!

Okay, I'm done rambling now...thanks for reading! : )

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